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  • Carry out internal skill training to help improve product quality

    Time:2024-03-20 10:46:30 Hits:385

    In order to enhance the comprehensive skills of employees,fully tap into the advantages of the company's talent resources,and improve product quality,the company has fully implemented internal lecturer training activities.On March 5th,the first phase of electrical training will be launched,taught by electrical installation engineer Li Jinwei.


    This training focuses on two dimensions:professional competence and electrical process skills.Teacher Li Jinwei shared his over 20 years of practical experience in power maintenance,accumulated professional knowledge,insights after joining Hong Kong CITIC,and the professional qualities that employees should possess with the participants.Finally,the on-site students and relevant department leaders interacted and exchanged feedback,effectively enhancing the classroom enthusiasm of the students.The students expressed their opinions,exchanged ideas,and unified their thoughts based on their actual work.The atmosphere on site was lively and lively,and everyone gradually applied the scientific management methods,electrical professional knowledge and skills gathered from the training to their actual work.


    Next,the company will take talent cultivation and experience exchange as the starting point,continuously improve the internal lecturer training management system,increase the accumulation of high-quality training course resources,enhance the comprehensive skills of all employees,and assist in the improvement of product quality and high-quality development of the company.

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