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  • Exploring the Future Development Path of Shower Room Industry

    Time:2015-01-05 23:59:59 Hits:137

    Nowadays, national standards require that the glass in shower rooms must be tempered glass with high purity and safety factor. The national standard requires that the broken state of tempered glass with a thickness of 6-10 mm should be maintained every 50 × The safe crushing amount for an area of 50 mm should reach over 40 particles. This also exposes the inherent characteristics and drawbacks of glass, as for various reasons, once tempered glass breaks, its glass fragments still pose a threat to human safety. Of course, tempered safety glass still falls within the scope of safety glass and meets the usage requirements of China and other developed countries.

    The development trend of the shower room industry is that as consumers gain a deeper understanding of shower rooms, their vision will become increasingly professional; Safety and ease of cleaning will inevitably become the main standards in the shower room industry. Only by truly starting from the perspective of consumers and returning to the essence of human beings, can we steadily move forward in the future trend of shower room industrialization and create a true shower room brand.

    Shower rooms, as an emerging industry, have been accepted by people since their introduction to China in the 1990s, and the materials used for manufacturing shower rooms have also undergone revolutionary changes. With the development of the shower room industry, shower room products are increasing at an average rate of 20-25%. In 2014, shower rooms entered more households and will be favored by more and more real estate projects. Glass is an important component of a shower room, and the commonly visible ones are a few pieces of glass and aluminum. Of course, this is at best a "layman watching the excitement", but the importance of glass for a shower room is self-evident.

    The glass used for manufacturing shower rooms can be divided into several categories: ordinary glass, which is non tempered glass. Ordinary glass has the disadvantages of high brittleness, fragility, poor permeability, impurities, and weak compressive strength. Once the glass is broken, the glass fragments have a large and sharp area, causing great harm in direct contact with the human body, posing a significant safety hazard.

    Due to the drawbacks that tempered glass cannot escape, this has promoted people's demand for safer glass shower rooms. The emergence of laminated glass shower rooms has given people a new understanding of the safety of shower rooms. Laminated glass is currently considered the safest glass for manufacturing shower rooms. The impact resistance and compressive strength of laminated glass are both 5 times that of tempered glass. Even if single or double glass fragments are tightly adhered to the PVB film in the laminated safety glass after glass breakage, the entire piece of broken glass remains in place, and the surface of the broken glass remains clean and smooth, not moving, not falling off or scattering on the ground, and not causing harm to people or surrounding objects.

    Shower rooms have developed into the 21st century, and tempered glass is widely used in the market. The professional manufacturer of tempered glass equipment for shower rooms is the Luoyang Gangxin Glass Tempering Furnace, which provides people with safer shower room products. Tempered glass has strong impact strength, high and low temperature resistance, and a compressive strength up to five times higher than ordinary glass. It will not crack under normal force collision by ordinary people, and its safety is widely recognized by people. However, tempered glass may still undergo automatic cracking without direct mechanical external force, which is the concern of consumers about self explosion of tempered glass. Self explosion is inherent in tempered glass

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